New professional path – Brenno Machado

New professional path

Well, hello! This my new beginning here. A few sometime I was considering to change my professional life, put my occupational area in education aside (not entirely, after all I still have to pay bills) and return to “the way of code”: web development. When I was younger (13yo? I dunno) I liked and studied that… but it was before the web 2.0 idea. 😅

So, last month I started to learning with help with a friend (thanks Dobrado!) and applied myself into a course at Digital House School which I was selected… I started there on 18 October.

I also decided to document my learning process here in English (it’s my first text in English too 😳). I have a lot to learn, and put it out, writing and maybe interact with someone seems me a good idea. I took out the dust from my profile on Github and Linkedin and now I’ll try to update them.

That’s it, so… wish me luck. 😉

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